New Year Wishes to All Students, Parents and Faculties members

New Year Wishes

New Year Wishes by SGIS Family

On the onset of the New Year 2024 I, on behalf of entire SGIS Family convey my warm wishes and greetings to our valued teachers, honored parents and dear students. We at SGIS ensure that our students are educated, enabled and motivated so that they play a strong role in shaping and contributing towards the development of the Nation.

Dear Students, life is a gift of Nature.  Nurture it with deep sense of responsibility and utmost care. Appreciate goodness in others and value people. Respect your elders and treat every single people in society with dignity. Have a sense of responsibility towards your duty, your parents, your school and society.

February 2024 is a time when our X and XII class students would write their Secondary and Senior Secondary Board Examination. I would wish them all the very best for their upcoming Examination. Furthermore I would advise X and XII class students to prepare thoroughly to write for the Board Examination. Students, Develop a study plan by making a proper time table and check the Exam Time-Table thoroughly and prepare accordingly. Adopt a positive mental attitude as this will upgrade you energy levels and keep you charged up for the examination. Write neatly in the answer sheet. A well-presented paper always impresses the examiner. Before writing, read through the question paper and its instructions carefully.

New Year Wishes to Parents: To all our treasured parents I would appeal to kindly guide and monitor your wards at home to get through the exams without any stress or pressure. On this New Year wishes, I humbly request the parents to encourage their ward to get a good night’s sleep before Examination. Throughout the run up to the exams and after it is important to reassure your child that no matter what results they receive, give them as much encouragement and support during these times.

New Year Wishes to Teachers: To all our teachers of this leading boarding school, I would extend my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the continued effort that you all have been taking up for the overall development of the students.  Your dedication towards your service has been praiseworthy, the way you all have been striving so sincerely for preparing students for their learning assisting them to become lifelong learners, as well as helping them to be self-directed, realistic, and responsible decision makers when solving problems that they will encounter in our multicultural, ever-changing world.

We look ahead to many more new development and achievement in the New Year 2024. We will continue to strive for academic excellence while focusing on social and emotional learning and character development. These are the new year wishes from us.

Let us make the most of our time together and continue working in collaboration for New Milestones.

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